Thursday, June 9, 2011

adik oh! adik

petang nanti adik da nak balik kampung. adui sedihnye ya amat..cuti cepat sangat abis kan?
adik aku namanya, EFA haha dan kakaknya WATIEY *erk!nak promote diri la plak huhu
bagi aku adik aku tu jugaklah sebagai peneman hidup aku..aku bukannya ramai adik beradik seperti orang lain kan..hmm nak wat camne so tu jelah satu-satunya adik yang aku paling sayang..

masa cuti sekolah bermula dia duduk teman aku kat rumah taman universiti ny..bila dia pun da nak abis cuti terpaksalah dia balik semula kat kampung..diabukannya duduk serumah dengan aku dan ayah..hmm adelah sebabnya..bila ada peluang nanti aku cerita :)
ktorang kat rumah ny dok menggila jek makan tido tengok tv..tulah keje ktorang..nak buat camne..huhu
kekadang ade gak bawa dia keluar jalan2 cian dia..
da lah adik aku sorang ny kaki jalan..memang kuat la..
lain pulak nan aku..nak jalan2 tu malas sikit la..
tapi bila da dapat keluar..hahaha
abis letih adik aku nak melayan keh2
terer x?haha bengong! :P

adik aku pulak tadi dapat duit anugerah tuh!!
ayah aku ny ahli peladang..
kira cam kelab lah bila ade anak yang tengah periksa penting cam UPSR ke PMR ke atau SPM ke leyh dapat duit kalau ade "A".
adik aku dulu PMR sekarang tengah form 4,,PMR dia dapat 4 A.. alhamdulillah syukur..
dapatlah dia RM50 daripada kelab peladang sebagai anugerah keputusan PMR dia..

kami ni cuma 2 beradik je.. coz tu makcik2 aku pesan..
korang ny jangan gaduh2..mak dah xder.. ayah je yang masih sanggup layan korang..jaga lah family tu baik2..

insyaAllah :)

bak kata adik aku JANGANLAH!!!haha tuh trademark dy lah tu kot..
coz aku suka mengusik dia :)

love u adik :D

Monday, May 30, 2011

happy 3rd anniversary :))

salam kepada pembaca blog waty yg xseberapa ny..
pejam celik..pejam celik rupa-rupanya dah 3 tahun MUHAMMAD AFIFI & NUR'AWATIF  ny bersama rupa-rupanya.. :)alhamdulillah..syukur sangat2..macam dugaan yang ktorang terpaksa tempuhi dalam hubugan ini.. lagi2 karenah saya yang agak mengada2 ny..nasib baiklah ada juga yang sudi menerima saya seadanya..

semalam nasib baik kami dapat keluar bersama celebrate anniversary kami walaupun kami celerate awl sehari..
nak buat macam mana..untuk juga kan? dapat juga celebrate..daripada xdapat langsung? ye x? gigit jari lah jawabnya..huhu

pagi2 lagi afifi dah bangunkan saya...
bunyi tepon memang membingitkan telinga minta di angkat..

perbualan kami :)
aku: hello
afifi: hello sayang..nak jumpa x..jumpa kejap pun ok..nak x?kalau nak abg datang sekarang..
aku: mestilah nak..tapi t ayah nak amk adik..sempat ke?
afifi: jumpa sekejap je..nanti abg sampai abg call balik ea..ny pegilah mandi dulu..
aku: ala jap lagi p lah..abg tu datang lambat..sempat je mandi :P
afifi:amboi dia ea..dah2 p cepat kang xsempat pulak
aku:ok2,bye abg love u
afifi:ok love u too,syg..

aku pun bangun terus p mandi..
emmm..aku tiba2 terfikir nak mintak izin ayah untuk keluar..
*selalunya aku keluar minta izin tapi bila keluar jalan dengan dia aku takut sikit..ayah aku ny boleh tahan juga lah garang dia..   *haha kantoi dah tipu ayah..

aku pu ketuk bilik ayah..
ayah: hah..ade ape kak..
aku;ermmm ayah nak amek adik kol berapa?
ayah: dalam kol 3 kita jalanlah..
aku:ermmm ayahhh..akak nak keluar kejap boleh x?sebab kawan akak yang kat shah alam tuh baru sampai semalam tapi malam nanti dia dah balik ke shah alam semula..boleh x ayah?
ayah:boleh..pegilah tapi sebelom kol 3 dah balik..nanti ayah nak pegi umah embah lagi ade jemputan kawin..
tapi kol 11 ny pun ade jemputan kawin dekat umah kawan ayah..akak nak ikut x?
aku: ermm xkot..
ayah:ha yelah..

masuk bilik dengan tersengih2nye aku coz epy gila dapat jumpa ngan afifi..yahu!!
cayalah ayah!!ap u lah.. :D
aku tepon afifi.. *hello abg..ayah bagi kita keluar tapi balik kol 3 :))
afifi*ye ke ??
aku*yelah..jap ea abg tunggu kejap tau syg p siap2 dulu..
afifi*ok syg..bye love u
aku*ok u too..

dah ciap sume ttbe ujan lak cian afifi tunggu aku dekat pondok telefon..huhu
mesti basah2 dia..
ayah aku pulak offer nak anta aku p jusco alah..dekat je pun xjauh..
tapi ayah aku nak anta juga..nak wat cmne/dah offer,,apelagi hahah
aku amek payung deat stor..p naik atas amek afifi suruh tunggu kat rumah..
dia pun cam xcaye lak..tol ke?tol ke?syg nak kne an abg ea..
hish penat aku nak jelas an..tunggu2 kat ruang tamu,,
xlama pastuh ayah pun sampai..
afifi*pe kabar cik?sihat?
hahahahaha..padan muka selalu kne an aku je ngan mak dia..
hah..ny bapak saya da mari so..diaorang pun bual2..ntah ape yang di bualnye pun aku xsedar..hahaha ape punya sengallah aku ny..
pastuh ayah aku pun anta ktorang p jusco yang dekat je dengan umah aku ny..

first destinasi p lah kat secret recipe dulu..isi perut yang lagi tadi asyik mendendangkan lagu irama keroncong yang xsudah2..huhu

afifi di rumah :))jumpa ayah lagi tuh beb kuang2:P

ok tuh je tok ariny...bye2..

Saturday, May 28, 2011

afifi dah sampai JB :)

salam semuanya.. :)
harap semuanya sihat2 belaka ok?tadi baru je afifi kol aku dia cakap dia dah sampai kat rumah dia dekat JB.
tapi dia balik pun xlama..dia sepatutnya xboleh balik..tapi ayah dia paksa..biasalah ayah da rindukan ank sendirikan..t korang da ade anak pun camtu gak :)
afifi masih lagi dalam practical untuk semester 3 ni..dia practical kali ni lama jugak lah dalam 2 bulan setengah gtu..kata dalam bulan 7 baru habis..lamanya..ingat nak jumpa dia esok..tapi ayah dah ada plan nak ambil adik dari kampung tido kat rumah ayah..rasa xder la peluang aku ank jumpa dia esok..nak buat macam mana lah kan ..masing2 sume dah busy dengan kehidupan sendiri..lama jugak ktorang xjumpa..setengah tahun jugak lah..
tapi aku tetap berharap sangat kalau aku dapat jumpa dia esok..inshaAllah lah kan..dapat jumpa sekejap pun xpelah..asal dapat tegok wajah dia kejap terubat sikit rindu aku pada dia..

I <3 AFIFI :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

cuti sem semakin singkat!!! :(

salam semuanya..ha tengah watpe tuh cuti2 ny..alahh..ape ar xkan dok kat rumah jek..waktu cuti ny lah kita gunkan untk jumpa kawan2 lama..jalan2 dengan family..(haha padahal aku pun sama nan kornag jugak lah dok rumah dok besaqkan badan..ehehe)
senget lak aku ny kan..ehh aku memang senget pun krang xtau ke??wahh2(gelak bagai orang gila =.=")
tu lah sebenau benaunya cek ny dok xtau nak buat ape time cuti ny,,haha,,nak dok kampung teman adik tapi dia tengah mid term lak..kang ade aku yang agak sewel ny..xjadi study kang dia..huhu lagi satu aku ny ade class english dengan mak si Afifi tuh..dah mak dy alu-alukan ape lagi aku pun join al maklumlah kan cek ny English pun cukup2 makan jer..xtererRRR pun macam korang sume knelah tingkatkan penguasaan English aku ny..huhu
bila rasa cuti dah semakin singkat ny hati aku pun jadik!!jadik ape korang tau x??xtau??aku pun hahahaha!!!bangang gila aku ny lah..xder hati aku jadik dup..dap..dup..dap..duppp..dupppp..dapppp.dappp..haahaa..
yelahkan nanti aku dah nak masuk semester 3 pulak..subjek dy pun semuanya pening2 3 jam kredit...bahaya tuh!!aduh bingung saya ini..tapi aku bersyukur sangat result sem2 kali ny ok..xmacam result sem 1 adui pecah palew den dok mikir2..huhu..
tapi sem 3 kali ny nak bawak azam baru lak,,,ape dy??hahaha RAhSia ehehe cek je bulih tau...kata suka sharing???alah korang ny siBUk lah huhu ok2..
azam kali ny nak study betui2 lah nak capai result yang agak dasyat seperti sifu2 ku..
hee banyak lagi..
ok lah sek berceloteh je nan korang nih..mate eden pun dok terkelip2 mengatakan waktu untuk....
TIDOOOOOO!!!hahaha ok bye2 sume syg korang... :)

haaa!!!ni lah sifu saya atau sifu INTRADEyang terkenal dengan namanya KUTIKAZMAN comel x2??
ngeh2(last t kne sekel lak nan tika enn..hee

yeahh!!cayalah sifu bergaya gituh :D
tapi ade setengah yg xder plak huhu sodey den..

 eh??haa,,yang ni pun sifu jugak..hee sifu untuk diri sendiri =.="

ni lah mak English..terima kasih cik :')
patutlah anak2nya semua English powerRR!! :D

terima kasih korang kerana sudi baca entry saya(erk* skema lak ayat aku ni en)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

air 100plus penawar sakit perut :)

salam sume..hmm da lama gak blog aq ny sepi kan...korg rindu x dekat aq hee perasan lebeyh lak an..hee
haa kli ny aq nak share pasal air 100 plus yg korang selalu minum tuh..
ny petua embah aq means nenek keturunan jawa tu yang panggil embah tuh..
embah aq kata kalau sakit perut nak cepat baik minum air 100 plus..
tengok2 nenek aq pun tau ha2 ny..xperlu guna ramuan tradisional...xperlu makan pil sakit perut..ape nama tuh boh kap cai ea..hee lantak sapa yg susah nak telan ubat bila sakit perut minum jek air 100 plus..
kompem da try da..
mmg la first2 tu agak ragu2 yela kita mesti la anggap air 100 plus tuh air gas kan??
lkalau minum mesti makin sakit perut kan??
xla...mana ade..
ok menurut ayah aq air 100 plus ny mampu menggantikan bendalir dalam badan kita ..bagi tenaga gituh la..
ntah lbeyh kurang gitu la hee..
so ape lagi 
sediakan air 100 plus di rumah sebelum anda sakit perut!!!yeah!!hee

Monday, April 25, 2011


alhamdulilah,tamat jugak akhirnya journal english aq ny walaupun xseberapa..
penat dah tiap2 hari nak kne tlis blok dalam english..haha senget la aq ny
sekarang pun tengah musim exam final so busy sgt byk bnde blom selesai ag ni ha
pasny ble exam da abih boleh lah aq balik rumah jumpa ayah dan kembar aq sorang ny haha

 eh ni bukan pak imam tau!!
ayah aku tuh hensem kan.. ;D

 ni la kembar aku hee..

rindu sgt dekat diorang tuh
mana xnye satu sem aq xbalik rumah..
bukan xnk tp masa xcukup 
ececehh cam la aq ny busy cgt hee
boleh taip jap je ny pastuh nk tdo2 jap bru study alek
harap2 pointer kali ny lebih baik la daripada sem lepas amin~
tu jela entry kali ny hee
nanti ble da cuti bru boleh tulis banyak2 

Monday, April 4, 2011

my university is flooded again!!

hmm..especially close to my dorm in block G, some severe flooding near my block
the block is actually F, G, H and I are easy to get flooded.
This case is because the fact that wetlands have been
ponds to the land to expand the university area.
Sometimes i'm grateful because i can also feel the flood;)) more
experiences that I experienced at the university even though the university.
Undrer this circumstances,my class sometimes rarely canceled.Every morning,i go to class with a heavy rain on my head,badly reinforced
the water situation is reaching untill of my knees.Evenmore I have to remain patient. within a single semester
Sometimes i fell at water drains..huhu.
because of the slippery road.
but to me, it is a cellenging life in the advise...just get used to it :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

5 things you have to do before you sleep(especially for women) ;)

I got these from my friends blog. I think I should share with you guys because seems like even a small things we do, may cause harm to our body. Take note !

Watches can emit a certain level of radioactivity. Though small, but if you wear your watch to bed for a long time, it might have adverse effects on your health.

Scientists in America have discovered those that wear bras for more than 12 hours have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. So go to bed without it.

Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. Therefore if you need to put your mo! bile phone near you, switch it off first.

People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep.


You may never wake up again. : )

Friday, March 18, 2011

my favourite band...just want to share :)

This my favourite band since secondary school

love them cause
1. songs
2. singer
     3. from german
4. their songs touch my heart....haha(really?)


Where am i now?,,oh,yes..studying
i need to do my best for my mid term this time.
now more playing around!!!
so " break a leg!!!"

confidence i need.
time i need.
silent environment i need.
snacks i need.
"stop thinking of food at this time please!!!"
hope for my best in my exam..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Color Psychology of Pink

 * Pink is essentially a light red and is usually associated with love and 

    * Pink is thought to have a calming effect. One shade known as "drunk-tank 
pink" is sometimes used in prisons to calm inmates. Sports teams sometimes paint 
the opposing teams locker room pink to keep the players passive and less 

    * While pink's calming effect has been demonstrated, researchers of color 
psychology have found that this effect only occurs during the initial exposure 
to the color. When used in prisons, inmates often become even more agitated once 
they become accustomed to the color.
How does pink make you feel? Do you associate pink with certain qualities or 
situations? You can discover how other people react to the color pink in reader 
responses to pink and share your own responses to the color pink in the comments 
area found below.

Monday, March 7, 2011

what is friendship?

Have you ever wondered what the real essence of the saying "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed" is? People talk about the true value of friendship actually without knowing what it stands for. True friendship is the one, in which the individuals do not have to maintain formalities with each other. Sharing true friendship is the situation, when the person you are talking about is counted as one among your family members, when the relation you share with him/her reaches a stage that even if you don't correspond for sometime, your friendship remains unscathed. Best friends need not meet up often to make sure that the friendship remains constant.

The trust between best friends is such that if one friend falls in trouble, the other will not think twice to help. If the bond between two friends is strong, true friends can endure even long distances. For them, geographical separation is just a part of life. It would not affect their friendship. They make it a point to stay in touch, even in the verge of being exhausted due to the drudgery of everyday life. True friendship never fades away. In fact, it grows better with time. True friendship thrives on trust, inspiration and comfort. Best friends come to know, when the other person is in trouble, merely by listening to their "Hello" over the phone. They can even understand each other's silence.

True friends don't desert each other when one is facing trouble. They would face it together and support each other, even if it is against the interests of the other person. Best friends don't analyze each other; they don't have to do so. They accept each other with their positive and negative qualities. Nothing is hidden between true friends. They know each other's strengths as well as weaknesses. One would not overpower the other. They would respect each other's individuality. In fact, they would understand the similarities and respect the differences. Best friends don't stand any outsider commenting or criticizing their friendship and they can put up a very firm resistance, if anyone does so.

True friends are not opportunists. They don't help, because they have something to gain out of it. True friendship is marked by selflessness. Best friends support even each other, even if the whole world opposes them. It is not easy getting true friends for the lifetime. If you have even one true friend, consider yourself blessed. Remember, all best friends are friends, but not all friends can be best friends. In this world of cynics and back stabbers, there are still some people who are worth being friends with. They have to be recognized and respected for being best friends, for the lifetime.

Friday, March 4, 2011

poor cat..

While i was walking home,i saw a cat laying down beside the road..and i notice it has no right leg..poor thing. It hard to walk without legs,right? so we must thankful for what we have,of our perfection. We talk,walk and do kinds of things in our daily life,be thankful :)

I miss my sister.. :(

 hello readers
how do you feel today?
Every day i when i'm a alone. Sometimes I always think of my hometown but the most important thing i think of is my sister. I really miss her so much. I miss talking to her and I hope she's okay at home. I always remember the times spent with her,like sometimes we fight and sometimes we laugh. We sometimes have the same things like doing stuff or colours like that. One day i will come home again too see my sister but after this with a suprise!hehe :D

 This is me and my sister and her garfield