huah!! this morning i woke up early at 5 a.m today. I'm so happy and excited!!
After i woke up, i went to the bathroom to wash my face and then to continue my study last night in MICROEKONOMICS.
I want to be prepared to learn a new chapter before class today,learning about THEORY OF PRODUCTION.
MICROECONOMICS class today will be at DKU(dewan kuliah utama).
My class started at 8 am to 10 am for microeconomiocs class
I went to class by car with my friend MIMA.
After we arrived,i put my bag in the class and hurry to the toilet
but tengku khairi suddenly came in to the class but the it wasn't 8 am yet. So i change my mind and went back to my seat.
but I dont think I can give full attention in class because my stomach hurt so bad
i feel so stress today because of that
after my microeconomics class had finished
I went to the computer lab next to the DKU for do some work
after finishing all my work
I went to the cafe to buy food and went back to the hostel to continue to learn
and leave at 2 pm because I had English class with madam Wahidah
okay thats all for today =) bubye! ;P